Wednesday, November 28, 2012




How Connections Faciliate Learning
With technology having changed so much in the last few years, you have access to information without ever having to pick up a book or even leave your house. If I were to teach a lesson on tornadoes, I would look online and find a few videos to help show and describe what a tornado is and how it works. I would then reference the students to a book. The internet plays a huge role today for helping students to better comprehend. When I was in elementary school, we did not have computers in the classrooms or a computer lab to look up information, instead we were given books. When I got into high school, I maybe had a computer in one or two of my classes, but we were never allowed to use it. That was only for the teacher to use, we had one computer lab with 15 computers in the library. When we had big reports to do, we were only allowed to use the internet for one source; the other sources had to come from books. In college, I bought a laptop and I started using the computer for everything, to search, write papers, and talk to friends. It is funny, just this week some of my students were told to look up eight vocabulary words in the dictionary. Many of them did this but struggled because the students are not used to using the dictionary. The ones who did not even attempt to pick up a dictionary, was asked what they were doing and more than one said, "I would rather do this for homework, so I can go home and look them up online". The internet is a great source, but I feel many kids do not even know how to locate information in books because the internet has given them everything at their fingertips.
            Being a teacher, I like to utilize the internet or computer as much as possible in the classroom. Many times when I am using the internet, I only like to use the Google search engine. Google is very interesting with the changing of logos almost every day, and very easy to navigate. On the computer, I like to use Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, and Smart board Apps to create Smart board activities. In my school, every room has a Smart board. This board is one that is interactive and you can do everything from the Smart board as opposed to the computer. When I have a question, I always search for the answer in Google. If I want to find a new activity on how to teach the students their nouns and verbs, I search the internet. There are endless amounts of ideas or activities online and many teachers use this to help with teaching.
            Connectivism is described as a learning theory that integrates technology, social networks, and information (Laureate Education Inc., 2009). My mind map helps describe the technology I use, the social networks I have and information that I find important. All the ideas I listed on my mind map are important and I am always learning something new. Something that may have taken a long time ten years ago can now reach millions of people around the world within a matter of seconds (Davis, Edmunds & Kelly-Bateman, 2008). It is incredible how fast something can travel across the internet, and just imagine in years to come what it will be like.  
Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Introduction to scholarly writing: Purpose,     audience, and evidence [DVD].Connectivism. Baltimore, MD: Author.



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